About Us
The Mission is a United Pentecostal Church with various ministries throughout Central Vermont. We meet at the Orange Town Hall where we hold our Bible Study and Celebration Services on Sundays. We also have weekly Women's and Men's Fellowship as well as other home group bible studies.
If you enjoy energetic teachings, powerful preaching and vibrant and passionate praise and worship, then you'll fit right in with the rest of our family at The Mission.

-our leaders-

Pastor Jason McAllister
Rev. Jason McAllister is the pastor of The Mission. He received the gift of the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus name at age 6. At age 18, our Pastor enrolled at the Apostolic Bible Institute (ABI), in St. Paul, MN. He met Michelle Pruss while attending ABI, and they were married two years later. Pastor and Michelle have one child (Cole). In the fall of 2012, Pastor enrolled in a Master’s of Organizational Leadership program at the University of Northwestern, St. Paul and completed this program in the spring of 2015. Pastor received his General License with the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) in the spring of 2003, and is now an Ordained minister with the UPCI. Pastor and Michelle have been ministering at the Mission since 2002 and have been operating in a Pastoral role since 2009.
rev. Tammy griggs
Rev. Tammy Griggs received the Holy Ghost at the age of 18. She has been serving the Lord and been a member of The Mission since 1991. She graduated from CCV and Randolph Tech with a degree in nursing. Sis. Griggs attended Purpose Institute and earned the equivalent of an associates degree in theology. She is a General Licensed minister in the United Pentecostal Church International. Sis. Griggs is on the AIM team at The Mission and is the church secretary. She has three children and four grandchildren.

rev. william russell